Newest Addiction

My newest addiction - PINTEREST.

Please tell me I'm not alone!

The best thing I like about Pinterest is that I can simply browse the images I had pinned (neatly categorized), all in a single window!

You can also share pins with friends whom you think might be interested in, if they are a Pinterest user.

With that said, I have a little confession to make. Erm... I'm guilty of spamming my boyfriend's account. I'm sure you will understand why after seeing the following images. I just can't help not sharing these......

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I bet you can totally understand my point now. And there are a WHOLE LOT more on Pinterest! 

Okay okay, here's one last one for you.  

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source from here

You can basically find any themes that interest you on Pinterest. For example, I have boards on all the illustrations I like by various artists, cool branding and logo, packaging inspiration, pretty patternbeautiful countries I would love to visit, my very own works, products and much more.   

If you are already a Pinterest user, follow us HERE!

Otherwise, you SHOULD really try it. Don't say I never warned you, it is HIGHLY addictive. 

See you there! :D

❤ Xoxo, Rheea