Stop Yulin 2015

Due to the urgency of the matter, here is my second post of the day...

In just a few days time, 22 June, the yearly Yulin (China) Dog Meat Festival will take place. Around 10000 cats and dogs, many of which are stolen pets, will be tortured and slaughtered. Google it and you'll see haunting images of how these innocent animals were being tormented, then killed..

Please help to sign the petition to stop this insane 'festival'. I'm not sure if it's going to help much by simply signing the petition, but what I do know is I can't sit here and do nothing. I believe in the power of social media and the power of our voice. Even if we do not succeed this time, at least more people are aware of it. 

Here's the link to the petition,…

Please help to spread the message. Nono will be praying for his friends from heaven too. Thank you for all your love.~

❤ Blessings, Rheea