It's that time of the month


It's that time of the month again! That's right, we'll be at MAAD again this coming Friday, 7 Nov. Our DOGs art prints will be ready for sale too. Do come by for some shopping and to say hi!

We're left with 19 days to the ending of our campaign and still very far from our target. :( Please continue to help us spread the words. Every little contribution will go a long way in helping our fur-kids.

Here's a snippet of what you'll get for our 5th DOGs illustration. 

By the count of 10. 9, 8, 7, 6..........

By the count of 10. 9, 8, 7, 6..........

Oh and did I mention there's a new Perk added to our list just today? I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss our special *1 for 1 Perk* - 14 postcards, 2 signed art prints and 2 greeting cards. All for the price of 1!

Find out how you can get this amazing reward while supporting a good cause here,

Thank you very much in advance!

❤ Blessings, Rheea

Thank Youuu!

A BIG thank you to everyone who came down to support us at MAAD last Friday! We actually made the most number of sales that day. Of course this wouldn't have been possible without your love and support. It was really heartwarming to see familiar faces among the customers.

Special thanks to my bunch of crazy and awesome friends - Claire, Berri, Alivia, Adric, Ezra, Dennis and Don who popped by just to say hello, bought me yummy food (because they said I'm too skinny) or offered their help! I'm really blessed. ^^ 

With Berri and Alivia

With Berri and Alivia

With Berri and Claire

With Berri and Claire

Looking scared sandwiched between two hulks. lol

Looking scared sandwiched between two hulks. lol

Oh! Do remember to check our Facebook page to find out if you're the winner for our lucky draw! We hope to see you again next MAAD.

Have a fabulous week ahead~

❤ Blessings, Rheea

Basic Illustration Class - Lesson 3

Hello guys! Thankfully I was able to retrieve the files I lost on Saturday! So here's what I did for my illustration class few weeks back.

Before the lesson starts, we always do a recap on our previous lesson:



1 point and 2 point perspective

1 point and 2 point perspective

3 point perspective

3 point perspective

Moving on, we looked up for some references and came up with our 3 point perspective desert illustration.

lesson 3-5.png

Ta-dah!! Here's my incomplete version with funny looking little stick men walking across the desert. They're probably searching for the legendary giant! See the huge footprints? :p

lesson 3-4.png

And here's Jimmy's version. I know, mine didn't even come close. Lol. 

If you're free this Friday, do come by to the Red Dot Museum as we'll be there again from 5pm till midnight with lots of lovely stuffs for you. As usual, all our items will be on SPECIAL price that day. And 10% of our sale proceeds will go to a local dog shelter.

More details can be found on our Facebook page,


See you this Friday! Have a lovely week ahead.~

❤ Blessings, Rheea

Dollgift @ MAAD [Market Of Artists And Designers]

Gosh. I've been so busy with the preparation of my flea market event which will be happening later today that I'd actually forgot to update it on my blog! :(

If you're a follower of my Facebook Page, you'd have heard about it. I hope it's still not too late to let the rest of you know;   

Happening later today is our very first flea market event of 2014!

Date: 10 Jan 2014 (Fri)
Time: 5pm - 12am
Location: Red Dot Design Museum (3 mins walk from Tanjong Pagar Mrt)

*Admission is absolutely FREE*

As usual, 10% of our sale proceeds will go to a local non-profitable dog shelter. :)

More information about the event can be found on our Facebook events page. Do help us spread the words!

Thank you and we'll see you there! ^^

❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono 

A Lovely Encounter

First of all, I'd like to say a BIG thank you for your support at our MAAD event last Friday! It was our 4th time participating and the response was very encouraging.

As mentioned, we'll be donating 10% of the sale proceeds to a local dog shelter. In fact, this is an ongoing cause we support (no matter where you purchase our products/service; online, flea market etc). So, please continue to give us your support.


Secondly, I've listed our last few pieces of handmade cards and bookmarks on Etsy. Here are just some images of our lovely handmades. More designs can be found on our Etsy store, 

I won't be creating these items anymore so it's your last chance to get them. Hurry over to our store now!


Lastly, I'd like to end my post with a lovely encounter I've had at the post office yesterday.

I was at the counter packing a customer's order when this lady who was also there to send out some parcels came up to me. She pointed at the Christmas postcards I was holding in my hands and asked if I drew them. I told her I did and she exclaimed 'Wow, they're beautiful. You're really great!'. As we were the last two customers to leave the place, we chatted abit outside the post office.

Apparently, she'd just sent her daughter to an art school and she couldn't help but feel concerned about her career path after she graduates. I shared with her what I do as an illustrator/designer besides freelancing; selling my works at flea markets, doing consignments and having my artworks licensed by art licensing companies. I told her that I'm very happy because I'm doing something I love. She seemed impressed. Finally she smiled at me and said, 'You are very brave. All the best to you.' 

Yes, it may not be any easy path but it's definitely one of the greatest choices I've made. :)

❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono 

Dollgift @ Maad (Market for Artists & Designers)

Yes, it's happening again this Friday, 13th Dec at Red Dot Museum!

Come support us and do your Christmas shopping there. I promise you'll find something cool and unique for your loved ones. 

Furthermore, 10% of our sale proceeds will go to a local non-profitable dog shelter. 

Help us help our dogs too!

We'll be there from 5pm all the way till midnight.

AND, admission is absolutely FREE !


More details can be found on our Facebook page,

Please help us spread the words. We'll see you there! :D

❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono

Dollgift @ MAAD


We'll be joining MAAD (Market of Artists And Designers) at their flea market this coming Friday, 5 July. It'd been 4 months when we joined them for the first time.. Time flies! You can read all about the exciting happenings of our first event here

''MAAD is a Market of Artists And Designers. An excuse to do something more exciting with your life. A space for exhibiting, performing, selling, shopping, chit-chatting, surprising and experimenting. MAAD is beyond the usual fashion-base, second-hand flea market. MAAD hawks only original, creative, and more often than not, handmade works by talented painters, jewellery makers, product designers, visual artists, wordsmiths and eco-friendly seamstresses.'' 

Don't forget our date this coming Friday at  Red dot design museum (3 mins walk from Tanjong Pagar MRT Station), Singapore 069120. Admission is FREE!

What's more, you'll get to enjoy a whole night of great music, talented artistry and shopping! We'll be selling our limited-edition handmade postcards/notebooks (not available online or anywhere else), gift cards (which are on sale! Woohooo~), pretty tumblers and our very personal collectable art prints. 
We'll be there from 5pm all the way till MIDNIGHT, so no excuse not to be there! 

See you!!! :) 

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.

Join Us At MAAD (Market of Artists and Designers)!

Yes, it's happening AGAIN!

We're diving right into another flea market after an uninteresting one just a week ago (read all about it HERE). I'm very sure it's going to be much more promising and exciting this time round. Why? Because it's not simply any ordinary flea market, BUT a market  of ARTISTS AND DESIGNERS (MAAD)! You just love the name don't you?

''MAAD is a Market of Artists And Designers. An excuse to do something more exciting with your life. A space for exhibiting, performing, selling, shopping, chit-chatting, surprising and experimenting. MAAD is beyond the usual fashion-base, second-hand flea market. MAAD hawks only original, creative, and more often than not, handmade works by talented painters, jewellery makers, product designers, visual artists, wordsmiths and eco-friendly seamstresses.''

If you like the sound of it already, come join us this Friday (just 3 more days!), 1st March at Red Dot Museum (Singapore). We'll be there from 5pm all the way till midnight! More information can be found on my Facebook page.

We'll be selling some of our lovely gift cards, prints, limited edition handmade bookmarks/ postcards/ notebooks, tumblers etc.

Look out for our booth with this little signage and say hello! :)

Okay, back to my postcards making...

(For more personal, behind-the-scene and production photos, join us on Instagram!)

See you this Friday!~

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.