I Believe I Can Fly

My very first attempt at Adobe Illustrator and a tablet!

Since I'm so used to hand drawing and Photoshop, doing everything from scratch with a tablet, on a new software came as a big challenge. I nearly wanted to throw my computer out of the window a few times when I was working on this. Thankfully, I love my less than a year old Macbook too much to do anything silly.

Of course I'm still not very satisfied with the end result, but somehow I love the fact that I can now have the flexibility of changing the dimension of my drawing without compromising on the quality. Big YEAH!

I promise myself to practice hard on it (and promise to my Macbook that I'll never scare her again).

Artwork titled: I believe I can fly~ 

i believe i can fly
i believe i can fly

''Never give up.And most importantly, be true to yourself.Write from your heart, in your own voice about what you believe in.''  -Louise Brown

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.

Which Way To Go?

'“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?""That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.  "I don't much care where..." said Alice. "Then it doesn't matter which way you go,” said the Cat.'

- Alice in Wonderland.


Is this what you want for your life; not caring where you're going, just like Alice?

If not, perhaps it's time to make some planning and changes. ;)

Have fun! And have a great weekend.~

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.

Letting Go

I'm sure at some point of your life, you meet dishonest people and you're taken advantage of. It makes you angry, and it question your faith not just in humanity, but also.. your self-worth.

As a freelance/ indie designer, this is nothing new to me. Many consignees do not pay up on time, or better still, some would try to avoid paying you at all. These people would come out with tons of excuses. Some impressive ones I came across include, 'Oh, we've already mailed out your cheque. Maybe we've sent it to the wrong address.', 'Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought I've already replied you.'.. And my all time favourite has to be, 'I'm having a depression...' (Right! I'm having a depression because of you too!) This particular woman is darn good at coming out with all the award winning reasons every month and they'd always be one that pulls on your emotional string. Check this out, 'I'm sick.', 'I'm in the hospital.', 'I'm still having my depression.', 'My dad just passed away.' (I swear I'm not lying). Thank God, she didn't tell me she's having menopause.

This went on for a year. Yes, she did pay me after months of pursuing, BUT more often than not, her cheque would be problematic. Finally one day, I came to my senses. I decided to pull out my works from her store and demanded for my outstanding payment. Not surprisingly, she used the tactic she knew best. When I would not take her shit no more, she told me, 'I have no money.' Suddenly everything became even clearer to me. She has been taking my kindness as a weakness all those while when I'd choose to give her the benefit of doubt. Things turned ugly when I threatened to go to the Small Claims Tribunal. Anyway, fast forward that horrible experience, I managed to get back my merchandise and money from that store (and many other stores).

Since those unpleasant experiences, I'd cut down on consignment partnership and direct my attention to copyright licensing. Recently, something similar happened. This art publishing wholesale company from US approached me to give them the right to use my artwork. After everything has been agreed; contract signed, artworks emailed to them, they slowly disappeared. Few weeks ago, this guy told me he was busy at some trade show and promised to get in touch when he returned the following week. But you guessed it, he disappeared when I emailed him again weeks later. Well.. It has been a year since I worked with them AND I HAVE NOT RECEIVED A SINGLE CENT. I can't understand why people would do such a thing. Does it makes them happy to know they'd successfully make another fool believe in them?

I get upset with people who hurt me and violate my trust, but try as I might, I can never bring myself to hate them. You can call me naive or stupid (I guess I'm both. Sigh). I may hate the thing someone did to me but I can never hate them as a person. I always believe everyone has a kind nature and I choose to see the good in them. Sadly, the society may have turned them into someone 'unlikeable', but the soul always remain pure and kind.

Sometimes we just have to let go of the thing doesn't make us happy to make space for the thing that does. Be thankful for the experience and what we've learned from it, then move on.

What have you been holding on to? It's time to let go.

Afterall, we deserve to be happy. :)

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.

Hello, September. Hello, new blog!

HELLOooo.. Welcome to my new blog!!!

I'm so excited about my new blog! Not only is Wordpress much easier to work with, it has a prettier typeface too! I hope this will motivate me to update more often. :p

Well, the weekend is here once again! What are you guys up to? I'm typing this post at a Starbucks, sipping my favourite green tea latte... With a breathtaking scenery outside and  a cute boy sitting right next to me, what more can I ask for.. sigh ;)

There's a song I'd really like to share with you. It's my latest favorite by Jason Mraz called, 'Living in the moment'. Simply love the lyrics and catchy tune! What a great reminder for us to be present and enjoy each moment everyday.


Have a fabulous weekend!

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.